A beloved bakery, which made its debut at Accrington Market in 2023, is excited to announce the grand opening of its new deli. After a successful first year, the bakery has decided to expand its offerings and presence with the launch of the deli.
Known for its delicious baked goods and exceptional service, the bakery has quickly become a favourite among locals and visitors. Opening a deli is an exciting step, showcasing their commitment to quality and enhancing the market experience for everyone.
Kerry and Rachel Tyrer, owners of the Artisan Bakers and Deli, said:
“We are really happy since we have moved onto the market square, seeing an increase in footfall which has allowed us to sell more pies, cakes and bread. We have recently opened up our new Deli store expanding our range and moving into providing customers with fresh, prepacked, dried and tined exciting produce and which is going really well from our many repeat customers.”
The grand opening of the bakery’s deli is not just a business milestone but also a celebration of community spirit and culinary creativity. Whether you’re a longtime supporter or new to Accrington Market, the bakery invites you to join them in this exciting new chapter.
Cllr Kimberley Whitehead, Portfolio Holder for Town Centres and Markets, said:
“The Artisan Bakers have proven immensely popular with the residents and visitors to Accrington this past year so to see them bring another new stall to the Accrington Market on the Square community is just fantastic! Their baked goods are a firm favourite of mine so I certainly look forward to supporting their new endeavour and I would urge everyone to make a visit – it is so important to support your local traders and there is something for everyone to enjoy!”
Accrington Town Square’s projects have been made possible through the Government funding. For further information about the Accrington Town Square transformation and to find out how to get involved in the various upcoming projects, head to Home – Accrington Town Square.