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Following Hyndburn Council’s successful bid to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), a new Head of Culture and Heritage for the borough has now been appointed to support ongoing transformation and regeneration plans.

Hyndburn Borough Council were awarded £2.9million from the UKSPF, with over £1.2million of this allocated for an ‘Arts, Culture and Heritage Package’. The package will support the regeneration work planned for Accrington to kick-start the local economy.

After a competitive recruitment drive, Lucy Dusgate has been successfully appointed and will be joining Hyndburn in her new role this summer.

Lucy brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in both event production and strategy development, and will be responsible for supporting Hyndburn’s Culture & Heritage Investment Panel (CHIP) to successfully develop a vibrant offer of events and activity within Hyndburn.

Lucy Dusgate, Newly Appointed Head of Culture and Heritage, said:

“I am really looking forward to working alongside Hyndburn’s community and the Culture and Heritage Investment Panel, to build on the fantastic work they have already started. The aim is to engage the local community, build on existing assets and use the funding awarded as a catalyst for future growth.

“With such a rich heritage to celebrate and inspire the future, it is going to be a pleasure working on a long-term strategy for the borough that responds directly to resident needs and aspirations.”

Taking strategic oversight of the allocated UK Shared Prosperity Funding, the Culture and Heritage Investment Panel (CHIP) has been established as a way of shaping future plans. The CHIP involves representatives from the community plus organisations such as Creative Lancashire and is chaired by Hyndburn Leisure’s CEO, Lyndsey Sims.

Lyndsey Sims, Chair of Hyndburn Culture & Heritage Investment Board (CHIB), said:

“The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is intended to reduce inequalities amongst communities and Hyndburn’s Partnership Board worked together to agree a package of investments to submit for the funding. Lucy’s appointment is a key component of this ongoing work. Her new perspective, plus extensive professional experience, is exactly what the borough needs and I can’t wait to see the results come to life.”

The full summary and cost breakdown of Hyndburn’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund Bid can be found here.